Sunday, April 24, 2011

So, a friend of a friend wanted to set me up. I agreed. Went on a group date this weekend(of sorts). It was awkward, of course. Everyone there knowing that this man and I were there to meet and judge each other. We went to a local brewery. It was nice. Awkward small talk. He is very nice. Good looking. Good job. Wanting to settle down. The thing is, I had a hard time deciding if he was interested. Even harder, I couldn't decide my feelings either. I have a rule with all for all my "blind" dates. The second chance rule. I give at least two dates before I can make a firm judgement on compatibility. I was told that he would like to hang out again, as would I. I am gonna give it another shot, one on one. Maybe there will be something there. Maybe not. Only time will tell...

1 comment:

  1. Oh oh, your goofy brother is lurking in the shadows!

    Nice blog, I wish you success. The hardest part will be finding a guy who loves your entire family. We are a crazy and overwhelming bunch, after all!

    One of my favorite stories that Cory tells is how he first met Dad.

    He hadn't met him before Allison and he got married. Dad got out of the car in his service uniform, a big burly (to Cory) Marine, in his picture perfect uniform. Cory said dad was very intimidating.

    I kind of imagine our family like that, not picture perfect, but big, burly, and intense, even if we do all love each other deeply.

    By the way, I thought you were 30!! You don't look a day over, that's for sure.
